What is Photographic Center Northwest

For over 30 years Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW) has championed photography through our 53-credit Certificate Program, classes and workshops; free exhibitions and public programs; and publicly-accessible facilities. As we continue to serve future generations, our mission is for PCNW to be a place for everyone to explore the photographic arts and to promote lifelong learning and creativity through resources and programs that inspire and empower.

What is Chase The Light?

Chase The Light is a weekend of photographic discovery; a chance to explore the world around you with a camera in hand.


This is an all-ages, all levels event open to anyone in the world using any type of camera. Invite your friends, co-workers and family to join in on the fun.


Anywhere in the world and with any camera—film, digital, cell phones, and everything in between!

Is there a theme?

There is no theme, but keep in mind that certain images containing scenes of a graphic nature (such as explicit nudity, sexual acts, or violence) may not be appropriate for our younger audience members. Please use your best judgment when submitting work for consideration.

Do I have to photograph for the entire 48 hours?

No, you can take photographs for any length of time. However, you should only submit up to five images that you did, in fact, create over those 48 hours.

How are images selected?

A panel of industry professionals will review all submissions and select one image from each participant. Participants will not receive individual feedback on their photos. All selections will be featured in our online slideshow and pop-up exhibition & fundraiser on Saturday, June 15th.

What does it cost?

Registration is a $20 suggested donation that helps cover our cost to produce the event, and anything above that amount helps us raise critical funds that support scholarships and our annual calendar of free public programs. However, to remove financial barriers, you can register for free. If you’d like a print of your selected Chase The Light image you can add $20 to your registration.

Is this a fundraiser?

Yes, Chase The Light is PCNW’s annual fund- and friend-raising event. After registering for free, you can choose to further support PCNW by making a donation. We rely on the support of our generous community members in order to keep tuition and facilities access affordable, and our exhibitions and public programs free.


Contact Paulo Gonzales, Outreach & Development Associate at pgonzales@pcnw.org