PCNW Facilities
Did you know, PCNW is the only publicly-accessible darkroom in Seattle? Step inside!
You don’t have to be enrolled in a class or workshop to make use of the medium-specific facilities at PCNW. Amateurs and professionals alike may reserve space in the darkrooms, digital labs, or studios up to a week in advance of the desired appointment date. If you are new to PCNW, a free orientation to assess your skills and to cover policies, equipment use, check-in procedure, and safety issues is required.
To make a reservation and/or schedule your orientation, review our hours & rates, and call us at 206.720.7222 x0 or e-mail pcnw@pcnw.org.
PCNW is equipped to work with a variety of alternative process techniques. Just bring your skills and the process-specific materials.
B&W Darkrooms
Whether you’re brand new or a seasoned artist, our black and white darkrooms have what you need.
From file organization and scanning, to image editing and printing, we’ve got you covered
Service Bureau
We offer online printing services through our Digital Lab. Simply e‐mail files directly to our Digital Lab to be printed by our staff.
Library & Resources
With over 1,200 holdings, our reference library and study area are open to students and visitors.
Hours & Rates
The facilities at PCNW are open to all individuals from amateurs to professionals to hobbyists. Enroll in a class or become a Member and take advantage of special discounts!

Prior to using the PCNW facilities, please review our Facilities Rental Handbook.