The Photo Center is excited to announce an Alumni New Work Juried Exhibition this upcoming summer. We invite you to exhibit your new work in conjunction with our Thesis Exhibition in June/July 2013. We understand the difficulty of upholding productivity post graduation without the support of a constructive community; we hope that this opportunity will challenge you to produce new work or share your current projects. We look forward to giving you an opportunity to showcase your work in our galleries.
Remember that your Alumni Membership grants you discounts towards advanced classes, a portfolio review with Ann Pallesen, gallery director, and more. This is only the beginning of a continuing commitment to our alumni.
This show is open to all photographic process, all themes, and graduates of the Photo Center and SU photo programs.
First Deadline of Participation: Thursday, February, 28th
+ Please submit 10 images on a CD or make an appointment with Ann Pallesen or Rafael Soldi to review your current work in progress in February.
+ Image should be Jpg format, 72 dpi, approximately 800px on the longest side
+ Completed entry form with your labeled CD
+ Label files as follows: lastname_name_title
+ Artist Statement on CD
Please RSVP to Ann Pallesen and let us know if this is an opportunity that interests you. We would love to start a dialogue and see where you’re at these days or inspire you to pursue a new project. apallesen@pcnw.org
We look forward to hearing from you!