Artist Lecture
Holly Andres: The Homecoming
Friday, November 8 | 6:30 – 8pm
Purchase Tickets Here
Tickets: $10, $8 PCNW members
Holly Andres is a Portland photographer who creates stunningly beautiful and evocative color photographs that deal with personal narrative and feminist subjectivity. Her imagery relies on the tension between an apparently approachable subject matter and a dark, sometimes disturbing subtext. Andres will discuss her work from the past six years in this illustrated lecture, The Homecoming. She will include images from multiple series including Stories from a Short Street (2005-06), photographs inspired by Andres’ experience growing up in rural Montana. In Sparrow Lane (2008) Andres’ presents an elliptical narrative of young women on the verge of adulthood and in Anna’s Birthday Party (2009-10) a young girl’s birthday party has gone awry. Finally, The Fall of Spring Hill (2011) ponders the complexity of childhood, the fleeting nature of memory, and female introspection.
Born and raised in Missoula, Montana, Andres received her BFA from the University of Montana in 2002 and her MFA degree from Portland State University in 2004. In addition, she attended the Art Institute of Seattle from 1996-98. Originally trained as a painter, she found her true métier in photography and film.