I’ve seen the land use action signs posted to the building. What’s going on?

PCNW is building a new home for our programs and community. We own our property and are working with a developer who will be building a seven-story building with PCNW as the anchor tenant on the main floor and residential units will be on the floors above. We will own our new 10,000 sf home at the same location.

Why now?

Our building is 100 years old and has all of the challenges and limitations of a century-old building. We are designing and building a new space that will allow us to grow with advances in technology, education, and photography. The project also addresses a growing demand for our programs, services, education, and scholarships.

How much longer will PCNW be in its current location?

Our current timeline indicates that we will operate in this building through spring quarter 2026. Construction of the new building is anticipated to begin in 2026, and may take two years to complete. This schedule is subject to change, and we will keep our community posted.

Are you offering classes and workshops during the construction phase?

Yes! We will be moving to Seattle University’s campus where we will offer all of our core classes. Electives and workshops will be offered as well in a limited capacity, and may be in partnership with other local organizations, schools, and businesses. All classes and workshops will be open to all students.

Can we rent time in the labs like we do now during the construction phase?

That is to be determined. The darkroom, digital lab, and studio spaces on SU’s campus will be available to students enrolled in a class that quarter. If we can make available some of the labs to members during specific hours we will.

Will you be offering other programs like artist talks and exhibitions during the construction phase?

Yes! We’ll be partnering with local spaces, businesses, and nonprofits to continue to offer some of these programs.

More questions?

Contact executive director, Terry Novak at tnovak@pcnw.org

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