05aug(aug 5)12:30 pm06(aug 6)5:30 pmWORKSHOP: Printing with Platinum & Palladium
Printing with Platinum and Palladiumled by Daniel GregoryAugust 5-6, 2023 | Saturday – Sunday 12:30-5:30pm$500 (Not eligible for tuition discounts)Details
Printing with Platinum and Palladium
led by Daniel Gregory
August 5-6, 2023 | Saturday – Sunday 12:30-5:30pm
$500 (Not eligible for tuition discounts)
Details / Register
In this workshop, you will learn about the history of platinum and palladium printing and how to use modern tools and techniques to take advantage of this amazing printing process.
August 5, 2023 12:30 pm - August 6, 2023 5:30 pm(GMT-08:00)
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