United Way Day of Caring at PCNW

We had one of the busiest days at the photo center on Friday as we rushed to complete the finishing touches on the building. We had nine volunteers from Microsoft working all over the building doing everything from scrubbing darkroom trays to helping us completely rewire the digital lab and offices (they much preferred running Cat 5 cable to cleaning bathrooms–go figure). Meanwhile Walt and Todd our contractors put in the brand new door in the digital lab and added office space.

Can’t wait for classes to start on Monday. Though we still have some more construction projects to finish you will find all kinds of new improvements around the building including:
-Redesign of Classroom 1 (now the Alternative Process Room)
-Repainted Black and White Lab area
-New enlargers and a wall mounted drop table on the right side darkroom
-New baseboards on the flooring!
-and much much more

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