Printing Sponsorship Extended Deadline

Image by Ella Morton, 2010 Printing Sponsorship winner

UPDATE- deadline has been extended to May 14!

How would you like to spend a summer in Seattle developing and producing your latest project at the Photo Center?

The deadline for our Printing Sponsorship Program is in 10 days and we can’t wait to see your proposals! The Photo Center’s Printing Sponsorship Program provides 100 hours of free printing in our analog B&W or digital lab to selected artists to complete an already conceptualized project or project-in-process. Artists in the program may print at the Photo Center from June to August, 2011. In the digital lab the printing hours will be free, however, ink fees still apply at 4 cents per square inch. Artists must supply their own paper in all labs.

The benefits of this program include a closing review with our Gallery Director, Ann Pallesen, to talk about exhibition opportunities the following year at Photo Center. Selected artists in residence will also serve a visiting artists in classes, have their work included  in the Photo Center’s collection and become a member of an active community of artists, collectors, curators, editors and enthusiasts.

To see images by past winners go here.

Submit a project statement and 10-15 jpgs on a cd or a print portfolio by May 14th.
Entry Submission Fee: $10  Click here for Submission Guidelines

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