support Photographic Center NorthWest

Be a Part

Of our future

By becoming a member, you’re helping to sustain artist resources and innovative education programs in the photographic arts for students of all levels. Your membership supports our entire community and in return, we offer great benefits including discounts on classes and print purchases, invitations to special members events, and opportunities to share work and ideas. Join us in supporting the photographic arts and become part of our extended community!

Membership Levels

Supporting Member $75 annual contribution
10% discount on classes & workshops
Member discount rate on facilities rentals
Discounts on events and lectures
Invitations to member events
Membership e-newsletter subscription
Sustaining Member $150 annual contribution
All benefits listed above plus:
10% discount on all juried show entries & gallery workshops
10% discount on one photographic print purchase (online or through the gallery)
A copy of Latitude 47 (PCNW’s annual publication of select regional artists)
Ambassador Member $250 annual contribution
All benefits listed above plus:
Free entry to all PCNW lectures
15% discount on art purchases


If you are interested in learning more or becoming a member at the alumni level please contact us at or (206) 720-7222 x0

Alumni Membership $125 annual contribution
For graduates of the PCNW’s Certificate ProgramBenefits include:

  • All of the benefits listed for the $75 Supporting Member level
  • Plus a 50% discount on PCNW classes and workshops
  • Plus a 50% discount on FotoRevu registration

Don’t forget to check in with your employer about whether they offer matching funds for your donation. If you need assistance with this we are happy to help. Please contact Terry Novak. Please note that a membership is not a donation and you are welcome to make an additional donation alongside your membership.

PCNW considers all members and donors at the $500 level as major supporters of the organization. If you have another amount that you would like to donate, you may do so using our online donation form. If you have special requests or questions about benefits or contributions, please contact Terry Novak.

Not sure if your membership is current? Contact Jennifer Brendicke.

PCNW is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as permitted by law. Federal tax no.91-1561025.