Purple Sunset, 2015
Archival Pigment Print
72 x 40 inches
Edition: 1 of 1
Retail Framed: $1,350
© and courtesy Richard Mann and AN/T Gallery

92-year-old PCNW member and volunteer Richard Mann has been printing his large-scale panoramic images at PCNW for five years.

When I moved to Seattle in 2010, Bernard, my son, was a volunteer at PCNW. I took a class with Gina [White] to refresh my darkroom experience and start over. After meeting Juan [Aguilera], I decided to learn more about digital printing. The final result was that I did not go back to my rots in darkroom printing. I have been happy with what I learned at PCNW. Everyone there were very helpful and now I love PCNW and I am still learning about digital photography.

– Rich Mann

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