Spinning Yarns:
Photographic Storytellers
Curated by: Anne Leighton Massoni and
Libby Rowe
On view: April 4 – May 28, 2013

Artists’ Reception: Thursday, April 11, 6-8 PM
Artist Lecture: Grace Weston, The Lie that tells the Truth
April 11, 6:30 PM
Tickets: $10, $8 Members
Purchase Lecture Tickets
The Photo Center NW is pleased to present Spinning Yarns: Photographic Storytellers, curated by Anne Leighton Massoni and Libby Rowe. To “spin a yarn” is not just to tell a story but to construct a tale. From setting the stage to character development, visual metaphors, and subtle manipulations, the artists in this exhibition utilize aspects of storytelling and open narrative to impart their tale.
The earliest accounts of storytelling in our history are not written or spoken, they are painted on cave walls –we have been telling stories through images for over 30,000 years. While the nature of photography suggests a seemingly factual representation of life, contemporary artists in this exhibition introduce a narrative focus to their conceptual framework, bringing to life a wide spectrum of photographic narratives. The dialogue between artists and viewers creates new perspectives, biases, and experiences, while further “spinning the yarn”.
Spinning Yarns: Photographic Storytellers is a traveling exhibition featuring 23 artists and 64 works. Exhibiting artist Grace Weston will give an artist lecture on April 11th at the Photo Center.
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