Examining the American Dream
On View: September 24 – December 10, 2020
The American Dream, the national ethos of the United States, was born from the Declaration of Independence’s ideal that “all men are created equal”. Not women, not black, brown, or indigenous people, just white men. The ethos embodies the set of ideals determined to be fundamental to humanity—democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity, and equality. It is also the idea that the pursuit of “life, liberty, and happiness” will be rewarded to those willing to work hard. With every president and change in government comes new definitions of what that means. This exhibition is a look at how the American Dream evolves under the influence of technology, war, religion, racism, discrimination, economic disparity, and eternal hope. Out of this, we aim to foster dialogue, question assumptions, illuminate prejudice, and make space for community connection within and beyond American borders.
Exhibiting artists: Intisar Abioto, Holly Andres, Julie Blackmon, Kris Graves, Jamil Hellu, Jon Henry, Thomas Kiefer, Mia K. McNeal, Carlos Javier Ortiz, Cinthya Santos-Briones, Hank Willis Thomas, Rodrigo Valenzuela, and Matika Wilbur
This exhibit is on view September 24 – December 10, 2020.
The PCNW gallery is open by appointment for groups of ten or less and masks must be worn at all times when in the gallery*. Please call (206) 720-7222 during our current business hours (Sunday 12-6pm, Monday – Thursday 12:30-9pm, Friday – Saturday CLOSED) or email frontdesk@pcnw.org to make an appointment.