In the Upstairs gallery…
The Self Portrait
Photography 1: Digital
September – October 28, 2013
Reception: Thursday, Septebmer 12, 6-7 PM
This exhibition of self portraits in our upstairs gallery was created by Photo Center students in Janet’s Neuhauser’s Photography 1: Digital class. Janet notes about this group of students and their work;
“As an educator I encourage students to make self-portraits and emphasize the importance of the self-portrait in the history of art and photography. I do not actually give the assignment until late in the semester when through the critiquing process, trust has been established and risks can be taken. It is always the best critique of the semester, because self-portraiture is so personal. I encourage students to think outside the box, photograph themselves in places and in ways that they would normally not. To be a bit uncomfortable with the process is fine. The only parameters are that each photographer must work alone, click the shutter themselves and make as many different images as they can in a week.
Like many people, most of them expressed that they rarely like photographs of themselves and are self -conscious when a camera is pointed at them. I felt like they lost that self-consciousness with these images and that their personal stories emerged.”
Artists: Dawn Bass, Keith, Davidson, Shauna Hurn, Janet Neuhauser, Ella Ordona, Angela Propser, Krysta Rasmussen, Jeffrey Taylor