Jason Fulford
Sunbird & Crushed
On view: October 17 – November 29, 2005

Jason Fulford was born in Atlanta, GA. He received his BFA from Pratt Institute in 1995. In 2000, he and artist Leanne Shapton co-founded J&L Books, a non-profit publisher of art and fiction. Fulford now works as a freelance photographer. His photographs have been published in The New York Times Magazine, Harper’s, Newsweek, Fortune and The Nation. He has exhibited his work in the US and Europe.
This exhibition mounts images from Fulford’s two books Sunbird (2000) and Crushed (2003) onto gallery walls for the first time. Fulford’s work has been described as sad, funny, beautiful, tragic, absurd, and banal. Grace Jeffers had this to say, “When we look through the lens of Jason Fulford, the mundane becomes alive with alluring shapes and poetic moments. He shows us that which television and glossy magazines have taught us to overlook — beauty and humor in the everyday.” Fulford’s lecture presentation will touch on his work as well as his book publishing company, J&L.
The subject matter ranges from the United States to Canada, France, Hungary, India, Iceland, China and Romania. “I want to make images that suggest things, but don’t give you the answers — images you can come back to a year later and see differently,” Jason says.