Riffs: A Residency and Works-in-progress Exhibition

Salon Residency: Jan–March 2016
Exhibition on view: April 14–June 15, 2016
Reception: Thursday, April 21 | PCNW Members 5:30-6:30 | General Public 6:30–8:30 pm
Happy Hour Tours: Thursday, May 19 & Saturday, June 11 | 5 – 6 pm
Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW) presents Riffs, conceived by PCNW Executive Director Michelle Dunn Marsh and facilitated by PCNW Programs Curator Chieko Phillips and Humble Arts Foundation co-founder Jon Feinstein. This exhibit is on view April 14-June 15, 2016.
Seattle is known internationally for many art forms, with glass and music often topping the list. Photography, however, is rarely considered in the same strata regionally. Riffs was conceived to highlight unique attributes of the photographic medium, by bringing together eight acclaimed artists—half working in photography, half focused in other materials—to engage in dialogue and visual improvisation in a salon residency at PCNW from January to March, 2016.
Taking their cue from jazz, as the project title does, the group met monthly from January to March, engaging in studio visits, conversation, and collaboration. All residents also had access to PCNW facilities, equipment, and faculty. Leica Store Bellevue provided digital cameras to participating artists. Resulting pursuits range from augmented reality (Ginny Ruffner) to photography and social media (Catherine Harris-White) to daguerreotypes (Eirik Johnson and Daniel Carillo).
A selection of works-in-progress from the residency period will be part of the resulting Riffs exhibit at PCNW April 14-June 15.
The eight Riffs artists include: Megumi Shauna Arai, Daniel Carrillo, Catherine Harris-White, Victoria Haven, Eirik Johnson, Jeffry Mitchell, Ginny Ruffner, and Peggy Washburn.
Riffs participants:
Megumi Shauna Arai
Daniel Carrillo
Catherine Harris-White (aka SassyBlack)
Victoria Haven
Eirik Johnson
Ginny Ruffner
Jeffry Mitchell
Peggy Washburn
Jon Feinstein, co-founder, Humble Arts Foundation
Chieko Phillips, public programs curator, PCNW
Want to hear from the artists about their work and experience during Riffs?
Thursday, May 19 | 5 – 6 pm
Join Riffs participants Ginny Ruffner, Jeffry Mitchell, Catherine Harris-White, and Peggy Washburn for an art happy hour in the PCNW Gallery. Have a drink and have a listen as these artists share about their work created during the Riffs salon. Mingling to follow.
Saturday, June 11 | 5 – 6 pm
Join Riffs participants Megumi Shauna Arai, Daniel Carrillo, and Eirik Johnson for an art happy hour in the PCNW Gallery. Have a drink and have a listen as these artists share about their work created during the Riffs salon. Mingling to follow.