Call for Proposals of workshop curriculum

Photography as an Agent for ChangeWorkshop series presented by PCNW with support from the Leonian Foundation

Call for Proposals 2023

Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW) presents the second year of Photography as an Agent for Change, a workshop series exploring photography as a tool for advancement in areas such as racial equity, social justice, environmental justice, visual literacy, disability and access, storytelling, and cross cultural communications. PCNW seeks proposals for curriculum that further these ideas and values. The workshops are intended to reach a broad, diverse audience and be as accessible as possible. As such, it is a priority that the workshops be free and open to all and may be held online or in person. Proposals that consider teaching beyond the traditional classroom walls are encouraged, so think outside the box! 

Call Details: 

The workshop series will launch in spring 2023 and include a total of three workshops and lectures over a 5-month period. Selected proposals will be scheduled in one of three workshop slots. Workshops will be scheduled on mutually agreeable dates, and will occur between April – August, 2023. Proposals may be submitted by individuals, teaching teams, organizations, and/or collectives.  

Compensation & Responsibilities: 

Those selected are expected to teach and will receive $2,000 total for their planning, teaching, and follow-up. PCNW will be responsible for marketing / outreach as well as registration and administration duties that include sending an evaluation to students and sharing that information with the educator, among other things. PCNW may provide materials for workshops within reason and will be discussed with the selected educators. This program does not cover travel costs or accommodations for educators out-of-state, but proposals for online workshops are accepted and encouraged for those that are not local. At the conclusion of the program, all educators will be invited to participate in a debrief session. 

Curricular Proposals should address/include the following:  

How the curriculum approaches the concept of photography as a tool for change 

Length and number of sessions. The intention is to have most workshops reasonably taught within a 2-8 hour timeframe, and over 1-4 sessions 

Ideal workshop size. Both small group (1-20) and large group (20-50+) are encouraged 

Format of workshop, whether virtual, in person, or hybrid

Curriculum should complement the size of the workshop in order to maximize engagement. Curriculum may be presentation-based or interactive, but should leave room for workshop participant dialogue and may include homework or creation/production of work or ideas outside of meeting

A brief description of topics covered, intended audience(s) and a list of learning objectives (what participants will understand and/or be able to do as a result of the workshop) 

A description of activities or homework, including their objectives and outcomes, if applicable

Any potential guest lecturers or co-facilitators 


Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

Alignment with initiative’s intentions around social change (racial equity, social justice, environmental justice, visual literacy, creative practice, storytelling, and cross cultural communications) and increasing access to a broad, diverse audience 

Creativity and clarity of curriculum

Strength of goals & outcomes 

Feasibility of workshop to engage students work via the format that was proposed

A teaching degree is not required, but applications should indicate some level of past teaching experience 


Submit a letter of interest, resume, and curriculum outline to by February 20, 2023. All proposals will be carefully reviewed by PCNW staff and members of the Education Advisory Committee, composed of industry leaders, teaching artists, working artists, and community members. Educators, practitioners, and teaching artists early in their career; Black, Brown, Indigenous, and Asian (BBIA); and LGBTQIA individuals are encouraged to apply. Notifications will be made in mid February with the intention of the first workshop in the series taking place in early April. 

The full details on this paid opportunity can be found here, and we hope you consider applying.

Questions may be directed to

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