Juror: Sandra Phillips, Curator Emeritus, SF MOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)
On view: March 27 – June 11, 2017
Lecture: Thursday, April 13, 6:30pm at Seattle University
Exhibition Reception: Thursday, April 13, 8:00pm at PCNW
PCNW is proud to present the 21st Juried Exhibition, one of the most anticipated shows in our gallery program. A wide range of visually rich images were selected from artists across the world: 420 individual artists—representing 43 states and 14 countries—submitted 2705 images. Juror Sandra Phillips chose 40 photographs from 38 individuals to be included in the exhibition.
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Exhibiting Artists
Brian Allen (WA), Jennifer Bacon (WA), John Barnard (NY), Timothy Barney (WA), Peter Bill (NM), Evert Bongers (Netherlands), Laura Brodax (WA), Jennie Castle (MA), Teresa Christiansen (OR), Matthew Cronin (MA), Meghan Duda (ND), AnnieLaurie Erickson (LA), Colleen Fitzgerald (MA), Joe Freeman (WA), Megan Gorham (CA), Sandra Gottlieb (NY), Karen Hillier (TX), Letitia Huckaby (TX), Melinda Hurst Frye (WA), Shreepad Joglekar (KS), Hiroyo Kaneko(CA), John Keatley (WA), Kimberly Llerena (DC), Mark Lyon (NY), Stevan Maxwell (OR), Greer Muldowney (MA), Jenna Mulhall-Brereton (PA), David Oh (WA), Christos Palios (MD), Ann Pallesen (WA), Jackson Patterson (IL), Donna Pinckley (AR), Will Russack (WA), Skip Smith (WA), Brandon Tauszik (CA), David Tucker (WA), Frank Verreyken (Belgium), Cole Whitworth (WA)
Sandra S. Phillips is Curator Emerita of Photography at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. She has been with the museum since 1987, and assumed the position of Senior Curator in 1999. In 2017 she assumed the position of Curator Emerita. Phillips has organized numerous critically acclaimed exhibitions of modern and contemporary photography including Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera Since 1870, Diane Arbus Revelations, Helen Levitt, Dorothea Lange: American Photographs, Daido Moriyama: Stray Dog,Crossing the Frontier: Photographs of the Developing West, Police Pictures: The Photograph as Evidence andAn Uncertain Grace: Sebastião Salgado. She holds degrees from the City University of New York (Ph.D.), Bryn Mawr College (M.A.), and Bard College (B.A.). Phillips was previously curator at the Vassar College Art Museum, and has taught at various institutions including the State University of New York, New Paltz; Parsons School of Design; San Francisco State University; and the San Francisco Art Institute. She was a Resident at the American Academy in Rome and received a grant from The Japan Foundation in 2000.
2nd Place Award: Mark Lyon
Skip Smith
Past Jurors
1995 – Duane Michals, Artist
1996 – Joyce Tenneson, Artist
1997 – Jock Sturges, Artist and Trevor Fairbrother, Curator, Seattle Art Museum
1998 – Keith Carter, Artist
1999 – Linda Connor, Artist, Educator
2001 – Chien-Chi Chang, Photographer, Magnum Photos
2002 – Michael Kenna, Artist
2003 – Anne Wilkes Tucker, Curator, Museum of Fine Art Houston
2004 – Roy Flukinger, Curator, Harry Ransom Center
2005 – Mary Virginia Swanson, Consultant, Educator, MVS
2006 – Paul Kopeikin, Paul Kopeikin Gallery
2007 – Charlotte Cotton, Curator, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
2008 – Rod Slemmons, Director, Museum of Contemporary Photography
2009 – Jen Bekman, Jen Bekman Gallery, 20×200
2010 – Denise Wolff, Editor, Aperture
2011 – Karen Irvine, Curator, Museum of Contemporary Photography
2012 – W.M. Hunt, Collector and Curator
2013 – John A. Bennette, Collector and Curator
2014 – Whitney C. Johnson, Director of Photography, The New Yorker
2015 – Julia Dolan, Minor White Curator of Photography, Portland Art Museum
2017 – Sandra S. Phillips, Curator Emeritus, SF MOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)
1st Place Winners
1995 – James Soe Nyun
1996 – Phil Borges
1997 – Trina Kyounghui Yi-Weston
1998 – Lisa Hohlfeld
1999 – Frank Noelker
2001 – Sarah Oehl
2002 – Nanette Vinson
2003 – (tie) Cat Gwynn & Patricia Sandler
2004 – Dennis Chamberlin
2005 – Peter de Lory
2006 – Joelle Jensen
2007 – Sung Jin Park
2008 – Sally Ketcham
2009 – James Luckett
2010 – Adam Satushek
2011 – Laura Plageman
2012 – Lauren Marsolier
2013 – Tuan Cao
2014 – Alejandra Carles-Tolra
2015 – Meike J. Paniza
2017 – Hiroyo Kaneko
Header image, detail: Brian Allen